How to make money by selling old documents on studypool || How to Earn up to $7k monthly as an Online Tutor on StudyPool

Step by step instructions to Bring in Cash to Sell Old Reports and Study Notes


Studypool is the best site to bring in cash from selling your review records. You can procure recurring, automated revenue from this site up to 5000$ each month.

This site imparts your transferred reports to a huge number of understudies. You can procure a base 10$ from your selling reports.

The most effective method to make Studypool account

To bring in cash by selling your archives you simply Join on and sell documents.

Signup and Create your account

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool

To make your studypool account simply click here and give your essential data. Subsequent to finishing your essential data kindly go to your email to represent confirmation.

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool


Now it's your turn to finalize the account. 


It asks for your user name if you signed in from google or Facebook or Linkedin otherwise you have to put it already in the previous step. 


Upload the profile picture.


Provide username and school name then click on continue.


You will be shown some of the features of the studypool, simply move ahead clicking continue. Now your study pool account is created. It's time to earn money selling notes in Studypool.

Start Earning Money By Selling your Notes and Documents

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool

You can see the option to sell your documents and notes directly in your dashboard. Simply click on it.

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool

There you will find a place to upload your notes and knowledgeable documents to earn money. You can earn $10 per view. If your document or note gets sold 100 times then you can earn $1000. It's like selling copies of books. Simply do upload by clicking the upload button.

After you upload the document and note this studypool team reviews it. If the uploaded document is your original material then they will approve that and it becomes live for sale. Anybody who needs it can search and view it. You will earn up to 10$ when a student views your document one time.


The successful earning data of top sellers in the uploading section. One seller has already earned more than 1 lakh 60 thousand dollars.  


Top Earner in Studypool

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool

Earning Withdrawl from Studypool

You do not need to worry about withdrawing earnings from the studypool. Because you can get an easy withdrawal option from Paypal, Western Union, and so on. You can only withdraw the earnings from your studypool when you earn at least $50. Work hard and provide genuine as well as knowledgeable notes and documents to earn money. That's how you can earn money selling notes in studypool. The withdrawal ways are properly described in the given picture below.

Click here to sign up on Payoneer and earn free $25

Earn Money Selling Notes in Studypool


In the wake of tapping the connection you can utilize studypool for selling your archives and study notes.

What Could I at any point Sell on StudyPool

Test/Test Planning

If you have any desire to bring in cash, sell your old archives by giving test arrangement reports. You can sell your Test/Test Arrangement archives for all classifications.

You could in fact transfer practice tests, test readiness material and concentrate on guides that can be useful assets for understudies.

Old Tasks

Assuming you have old tasks or past schoolwork, projects, reports, shows, papers, and so on that can be best for understudies' test planning transfer and bringing in cash on the web.

Class Notes:

Assuming you have old class notes, you can transfer them on studypool and bring in cash online by this strategy.

Multi-Language Content

You can likewise transfer Multi-Language Content for understudies who are planning for tests on the web. For more data visit

How to Earn up to $7k monthly as an Online Tutor on StudyPool

What is StudyPool?

Studypool is a web-based stage that unites understudies and guides from everywhere the world to assist with encouraging their examinations and training. The organization has north of 10 million understudies, a number that is continually rising.

With a rising understudy base, and late suggestions from Forbes, Dave Ramsey, and Nasdaq - this moment is the ideal opportunity to join Studypool and convert your scholarly information into serious profit.

Incredible Advantages

Working at Studypool removes every one of the conventional cerebral pains related to beginning a coaching business. 'Blocks and cement' guides have generally just had the option to work around school hours and have needed to source their own understudies.

Studypool deals with this leg work for you by:

  • Effectively elevating your profile to understudies

  • Giving normal reports and assessments

  • Remunerating solid exhibitions with Subject Identifications

  • Allowing you to make your own instructing plan

  • Adaptable Timetable

With questions being asked all day, every day, you can genuinely work a timetable that suits you. You can direct the number of inquiries you work on, with there being no guidelines on how much or to be sure the way in which you work. In view of that, turning into a Studypool guide is a phenomenal choice for those searching for a full-time frame calling, or those looking for a dependable and beneficial side gig.

High Procuring Potential

Studypool offers great procuring potential, with the best mentors acquiring up to six figures. In any case, your profit will straightforwardly correspond with how much work that you attempt.

Studypool holds between 15-30% of the general inquiry cost as commission, which permits them to really run the stage. As your experience on the stage develops, you will start to acquire rehash understudies - this is the most ideal way to guarantee normal pay - so consistently make sure to flaunt your character and range of abilities however much as could be expected

StudyPool Application Interaction

Anyway, how to begin coaching at Studypool? The application cycle is clear and allows you to flaunt your aptitude without any problem. It's planned as a springboard to assist you with raising a ruckus around town running and begin working with understudies straightaway.

  • In the first place, you really want to fill in some essential data about yourself and any scholarly foundation you have. You will then, at that point, extend your profile, by composing a little history - something that you can use to flaunt why you figure you will be a decent tutor.It is essential to take note of that a professional education or earlier mentoring experience isn't required to have been an effective Studypool coach.
    studypool how to become a tutor

  • You will then extend your profile further, composing a little life story - something that you can use to truly flaunt why you figure you will be a decent coach. Next are a few short inquiries to feature your subject information. You can pick which inquiries to respond to from different subjects - from Math or Humanities to Software engineering and Designing. These responses will then, at that point, be assessed and your profile will be compensated with subject identifications.
  • Subsequent to passing this stage, you will be allowed to utilize the stage at your own comfort. Understudy's are searching for help day in and day out, and despite the fact that question volume reflects the laid out school semesters, with the most active seasons being around the Fall and Spring semesters, with increasingly more understudy's online than any time in recent memory there has never been a superior opportunity to be a Studypool mentor.

Payment Details

Studypool pays its mentors through an assortment of installment passages like PayPal, Transferwise, Western Association, and Payoneer.

Click here to sign up on Payoneer and earn free $25

You can likewise have a check sent to your location or do an immediate store into your ledger.

Note that you should have at least $50 in your surplus to pull out. Studypool guarantees your installment assurance. The organization takes installment from the understudy when they post an inquiry, and delivers it to you upon the effective consummation of the inquiry.

So, turning into a Studypool guide is a feasible choice for those searching for a full-time frame profession change, or those looking for a dependable side gig!

You do not need to worry about withdrawing earnings from the studypool. Because you can get an easy withdrawal option from Paypal, Western Union, and so on. You can only withdraw the earnings from your studypool when you earn at least $50. Work hard and provide genuine as well as knowledgeable notes and documents to earn money. That's how you can earn money selling notes in studypool. The withdrawal ways are properly described in the given picture below.


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